Monday, January 12, 2009


Soft in a cloud of feathers 
to cushion my weary head,
troubles melt quickly into the darkness, 
a smile dances over my lips, 
eyes close, happy for you come to me in my dreams. 
Here I touch you, hold you close, 
in my thoughts I have you engraved, 
imprinted upon on my heart, 
my sanity, when you are gone. 
I wait, wonder how long will it be? 
How long, my love, until you are with me?
I see the dark sky, 
laden with precious sparkles, 
I smile again, and I picture you, 
watching these same stars too
Your name leaves my lips 
the window opens wide, 
my kiss blows with the breeze. 
When you catch it will you smile? 
Sadness sinks his arms around me, 
I long to be with you, 
to touch with desire, 
already in our heart 
Come to me, the wind whispers, 
come with me, my love, 
and dream our sweet dreams, 
until reality comes.


  1. अभी यूं ही भटकते हुये आपके ब्लौग का पता मिला.. बस दो ही कवितायें हैं यहां? कुछ और लिखिये, अच्छा लिखती हैं आप.. :)

  2. तो फिर कुछ अपना लिखन की कोशिश करें.. जब पढ़ने की पसंद अच्छी है तो लिखेंगे भी भी अच्छा.. ऐसी आशा है.. :)
